Folding Sliding Door Sills

Here you can see the profile sections of the 6 types of sill on offer. Each sill type is best suited to a specific application and the correct selection is key to getting the look you want. The depth of the sills do vary slightly so it is important that you check the CAD section or call us for advice on measuring.

Alternatively if you want us to conduct a site visit then we would be happy to advise you and take all the necessary measurements

Should you need further advice about the various sill types and their benefits please call us on 01353 882202.

FLUSH PATIO SILL – For external use

Patio Sill Stainless steel plate incorporating guide track, drainage channel and timber section to meet internal flooring.

Designed to accommodate patios or decking fitted along dotted line.

STANDARD METAL SILL – For external use

Metal Sill Cast metal sill with built in drainage and timber section to meet internal flooring.

Designed to be more robust in areas of high traffic.


Conservatory Sill Produced from oak for durability, timber section with guide track.

Designed for use between conservatories or non external walls.

FLOOR PLATE – Internal use

Floor plate A flat metal floor plate and mounted channel.

Designed to be set into floor either to be screeded or to accommodate wood, tiles, carpet etc.

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